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( 花吐き病 )


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гостевой раздел. — :: Hanakotoba is the Japanese form of the language of flowers. In this practice, plants were given codes and passwords. Physiological effects and action under the color of the flowers, put into words from the impressions of nature and the presence of thorns with the height of tall plants, flowers and garlands of flowers through the various types.
2 8 hanahaki byou
2020-09-29 00:52:01 - shirayuri


They are associated with final goodbyes, and legend has it that these flowers grow wherever people part ways for good. In old Buddhist writings, the red spider lily is said to guide the dead through samsara, the cycle of rebirth.
3 14 бестиарий
2020-06-05 21:29:43 - shirayuri


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Neofinetia falcata has a long history within the Samurai culture. This little jewel long treasured by Japanese royalty for its fragrance and foliage. It is known as an orchid of wealth and nobility. Samurai warriors would travel for miles in the search for this tiny orchid to bring back to the royal court.
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